Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep - eBook

Let a Harvard doctor put you to sleep - and get those precious ZZZZZZ’s
According to Dr. Lawrence Epstein, recent President of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and author of THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL GUIDE TO A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP, sleeping is as important to health and well being as diet and exercise. However, as we are constantly bombarded with commercials for sleep medications, it is clear that America is having a difficult time getting a good night’s sleep.
One of the nation’s premiere sleep experts, Dr. Epstein arms readers with his proven, six-step plan to improve sleep. He presents tips for dealing with common issues such as insomnia, disrupted sleep, daytime exhaustion, restlessness, sleepwalking, and the many other chronic sleep conditions suffered by more than 70 million Americans.


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